Sunday 17 March 2019

The first draft of my world

A much abused, an ancient first draft of my world, drawn during the summer of 1977, the summer between grades 11 & 12. At the time this was drafted I was on a month long sojourn in the Loire valley in France ostensibly there to learn French, but really just bumming around the city of Tours.

The world did change over time, it expanded north south and east west. The southern inner sea became much larger as extra maps were inserted and the far north became less land locked. But ultimately for good or bad, the overall shape of my world remained the essentially the same.

As a very basic guide some points of interest;
  • In the far north is Mt Eternal, a mythical domain of the elder Gods
  • Just south and east is Earth Scar, a blot on the landscape and rumored home of Deimos Re, the malevolent entity that is said to be the source of all evil in the land.
  • From west to east along the widest part of the land we find Mercia, the Sersingian Empire, the Elven kingdom (the peninsula), The Dwarven mountain kingdoms, then we are into the Eastern lands (the large peninsula on the 'extended' portion of the map.
  • Immediately to the west of the Elven kingdom is the Middle Empire, a collection of petty princedoms, and kingdoms, ever bickering, and striving for power.
  • Finally in the south we find Shamballah in the west, next to them is the Eastern kingdom, and below Shamballah lies the Land of the Saurons!         

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