Monday 21 June 2021

Upgraded an old adventure by Gamelords/Thieves Guild


Added colour and some nice graphics to an old 1980's second story adventure. Here is the original for comparison.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

My new addiction...Inkarnate


Inkarnate is a fun map making good for battle mats, city maps, and regional/world maps.  I have uased them to update the old Judges Guild City State of the Invincible Overlord map. 

Here is the original version:


I also used it to create a new map of the city of Modron, inspired by the old map, but in no way resembling the original, except there was a tower and a colosseum in the original map.

At the bottom you can see a place of business that I set up for my one C&S player. Now the Judges Guild world predates my C&C world, and over the years I did incorporate some of the cities and ideas into my world. Last year, or maybe two years ago, I redrew my world and took all 18 of the old JG maps and plunked them right in the middle of my southern maps. So these do belong here, sort of, even if for now we are mostly using the Conan 2nd edition D20 RPG for the rules.

You can compare the new version of Modron to the original map below. As I said not much in common!



Sunday 31 January 2021

Look out for dragons Bert, the C&S world is coming back!


I have been inspired by the success of our Roll20 gaming to start looking at C&S. I think it will work very well on that platform, and I have started to search the net for images to incorporate into the game. I envision a weekly rotation or maybe run an adventure in one game for 3-4 weeks and switch back to the other game. I see cliff hangers !!!! On the insane side maybe run a turn of each game per week, so two sessions a week (madness)

Ultimately it will be up to the players to decide what game they want to play.