Saturday, 1 February 2025

Judges Guild Thunderhold


So, having merged the old Judges Guild Wilderness world with my world I have been slowly, very slowly, reworking some of the old JG maps. I have already updated the City State of the Invincible Overlord and completely redrawn the City of Modron, I have now turned my sights on Thunderhold.

This time around I stayed very close to the original map. Certainly not an exact copy as the houses and housing blocks obviously are not the same as the original map but the basic outlines are pretty close. The eastern villages deviate far more from the original maps but I just went kind of crazy on populating the area.

Not much else to say about this, I have kept the business where they were in the original maps, expanded some business types and added in hidden temples etc. My players are currently exploring the Sunstone Caves below the city, with some additions from a Warhammer 2nd edition Karak-Azgal.

Next up I am going to have to come to terms with the caves themselves. The original sprawling map while giving some general ideas about what was where lacked specific details. 


Thursday, 8 June 2023

Final(?) version of the master map as of June 8th 2023

Barring any truly unforeseen circumstances I am done fiddling around with the master map. True, never say never minor tweaks might yet happen as I go into the detailed maps but I feel I can safely say that there will not be anymore major revision!

So here it is in all it's glory! This started as a sketch back in the summer between grade 11 and grade 12 while I was spending a month in France 'learning' French. (I did not succeed) It certainly has changed a lot over the years.

Thanks to Inkarnate I have been able to render the map the way I have always wanted. Gone are the colour water colour pencils and the reams of paper. No more erasure marks creased or damaged paper, finally a digital copy that I can share and easily replicate. It also means I now have a detailed map of the world not just a collection of individual maps.

Now my original maps contained elements that were inspired by the fantasy books of the day, so there were tributes to Conan, LoTR, Sword of Shannara, Riddlemaster of Hed, Earthsea, Kurtz's Deryni series and many more. There was also a smattering of ideas from RPG supplements, most notably Judges Guild products.

Skip ahead to today and you can see that I have transplanted complete areas from other game worlds, fantasy novels and gaming supplements. The south central area is made up of most of the 18 maps from JG Wilderlands set. The eastern lands have a lot of Conan names (as do the north eastern areas) while to their north one can find Harn more or less intact. (Orbaal has some more separation from the rest of Harn) Now not everything is as created by the original authors. For one thing by my shifting of nations around pell mell a lot of the written 'history' of these places no longer work. Instead I am using the names as a short cut to conjure up images, rough guidelines of what can be expected without us having to be confined/restricted to what others have written. By the same token I do consult the books about these places to draw inspiration. 

Where ever I have incorporated the maps of certain fantasy regions/cities such as Judges Guild & Harn regional maps & the cities of Lankmar, Sanctuary & Haven I have tried to maintain the maps as they are and kept the known information mostly intact. 

It perhaps needs to be stated that my world does actually contain places that I created from my own feeble mind. Some obviously inspired by the books that I have read but many are either significantly different or wholly my own. Earthscar drew some inspiration from Mordor, but where Mordor had a mountain I decided to go down into the earth. Beyond that original decision, the actual nature of Earthscar and it's role in my world is very different that Mordor. 

The middle section, from Mercia to the plains of Renin were influenced by Kurtz but not a copy of her works. The Sersingian Empire existed long before I ever encountered GW's Empire. So while I have made use of the names of Tilea and Estalia, the empire is more Byzantium or Rome than Germanic warhammer. 

Rightly or wrongly we (myself and a player) decided to add the Holy lands to the world. So to the east of the JG maps one can find Earths holy lands more or less to scale but with significant cultural differences. Certain event did not happen in this world, certain messiahs and prophets did not quite achieve the fame and success that they did in our world. The existence fantasy elements, other active deities, monsters and the Eastern Empire have had an impact on how this world has advanced.

 Next I shall be making smaller more detailed maps from this master map. First up I have sliced the map into 4 sections; the cold wastes, the north, the middle lands and the south lands. I may yet divide these 4 maps into smaller regional sections maybe 2 per section. I have already created a separate Middle Empire map just because the empire crosses over two sectional maps.  

More on this later...

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Archeon Western gateway to Mercia


 Latest city to be updated, Archeon. Below you can see the original drawing that I did many decades ago. It was always meant to be a small coastal city and I have kept it that way, I think. I have made some changes but for the most part, for good or bad, I have tried to stay true to the original.








Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Atlanti, Guardian of the North


This is one of the first cities I ever worked on for my C&S game. Atlanti is a city located on the western shore of the North Sea. At one time an independent country, Atlanti (the country) was conquered by Mercia. The City of Atlanti became the seat of a Duke, while the Cathedral remained the seat of an Arch Bishop. 

The city is often referred to as the city in the clouds, but that usually is accompanied by a sarcastic tone. Vapor rises up from the swamp waters and fog frequently rolls in from the sea. This combination enshrouds 'High town', which is built on an escarpment, creating the impression of a city floating on clouds. Lowton on the other hand is often blanketed in a thick foul smelling cloying mist. This makes it difficult and dangerous to move about. The area called the Shambles is the most affected area. Those in High Town appreciate the obscuring fog, but could do without the smell.


Sunday, 19 March 2023

New WIP map of the world

A lot more to be done. You can see some influences that may or may not stay. Harn nations in the Eastern area and Judges Guild in the southern inner sea.




Monday, 21 June 2021

Upgraded an old adventure by Gamelords/Thieves Guild


Added colour and some nice graphics to an old 1980's second story adventure. Here is the original for comparison.